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My Trip to Montreal, Canada

Where’s your home town

You can not purchase Metro tickets using a US-issued credit or debit card. Your card will be refused at the machine and you can't use it at the ticket window either. I have purchased metro tickets in Paris, Rome, London, etc. using a credit card but in Canada?? Nope. You must have cash. The reason? Too much fraud (or that's what they told us). They said we should use the ATM (not a bank ATM--just a free-standing unit) to get cash to make the purchase.

We did have a great trip and I'll post a report shortly but thought these two tips might be useful. ~ But yeah!

What if they had three days?

Now, think about this for a minute--they have just said that fraud is an issue and then direct us to one of the most risky types of electronic transaction machines known to man? Right...makes perfect sense. Notre Dame has very limited access on the weekends. We had planned to visit Notre Dame on Saturday between 1:30 and 3 when my friend needed to head back to the airport. We arrived only to be told that we could not enter because five weddings were being held on Saturday.

Anything else you want to add?

The next time we could get in? Between 1 p.m. and 4 p.m. on Sunday. Of course, they have no signs indicating that access is restricted or the hours. Instead, there are four large signs at sidewalk level advertising GUIDED TOURS DAILY. So, if you are planning a weekend trip to Montreal and want to see Notre Dame, plan to go early Saturday morning or Sunday afternoon.

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