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Breakfast at Tiffany's

~ On the way

With Memorial Day — and all the potlucks, BBQs, and fun that come along with it — uickly approaching, we all need an easy and delicious recipe that'll please a crowd and let us cooks get back to relaxing this three-day weekend. I'm trying to channel that zen vibe. I swear these Deviled Eggs with a twist will help.

So when Ken's sent me some of their dressings to play with, I was immediately drawn to the Creamy Caesar dressing.~ Karla

Salads are my go-to for groups, but I wanted something different. So when Ken's sent me some of their dressings to play with, I was immediately drawn to the Creamy Caesar dressing. I LOVE a good Caesar, but Brock is kinda squeamish about the whole raw yolk thing in homemade Caesar dressings. I get that. I do make most of my dressings from scratch, so I allow myself a little cheat here. (Shh...)

Lips & the City Sweatshirt

People speak differently when they are talking to their boss or their lover or a little child. It's easy and natural to switch registers, and you can't use the wrong register in the wrong place — talk to your boss like your lover. It would be disrespectful. Each register has appropriate uses and environments.

Valentines Day

For the romantic in all of us — A few weeks back we talked to the lovely people over at WIRED about making a pack that exemplified the lifestyle of someone working in tech. We set out to capture that, put it in a bottle, and sail it out to our readers.

Seattle’s downtown library

We wish we could travel all of the time, but it’s a tough balance of making a living and keeping relationships, while still fulfilling our wanderlust. This month we’re back on the ol’ grind, putting pen to paper and sticking it out in the office. Let’s all make something special, shall we?